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heavy! "Steel 12" released

, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Commerce, and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued the "Work Plan for Steady Growth of the Iron and Steel Industry", clarifying 2023-2024 The main goal of stable growth is to put forward four major actions and 12 work measures to promote the stable operation of the industry and accelerate high-quality development.


Institute of Metallurgical Industry Information Standards, will interpret the key contents of the document. Please pay attention.


Guide: Seven departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs, have recently jointly issued the "Work Plan for Steady Growth of the Iron and Steel Industry", proposing that from 2023 to 2024, the main objectives for steady growth of the iron and steel industry are to maintain a dynamic balance between supply and demand in 2023, and demand, and investment in fixed assets, and investment in the industry, industry R & D investment will strive to reach 1.5, and industrial added value will increase by about 3.5; in 2024, the industry development environment and industrial structure will be further optimized, the level of high-end, intelligent and green will continue to improve, and the industrial added value will increase by more than 4%.


on Issuing the Work Plan for Steady Growth of the Iron and Steel Industry

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Lianyuan (2023) No. 131


The competent departments of industry and information technology, development and reform, finance, natural resources, ecological environment, and commerce of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Guangdong Branch of the General Administration of Customs, all directly affiliated customs, and all relevant central enterprises:
hereby issues the Work Plan for Steady Growth of the Iron and Steel Industry to you, please combine with the actual situation and earnestly implement it.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
National Development and Reform Commission
Ministry of Finance
Department of Natural Resources
Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Ministry of Commerce
General Administration of Customs

21 August 2023


Steel Industry Steady Growth Work Plan


steel industry is the basic and pillar industry of the national economy, and it is an important field related to the stable growth of industry and the smooth operation of the economy. In order to implement the decision-making and deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, to promote the State Council to grasp the economic stability of the package of policies and successive measures to achieve full results, to promote the smooth operation of the industry, accelerate high-quality development, the special formulation of this plan, the implementation period of 2023-2024.



(I) guiding ideology

resolutely implements the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, based on the new development stage, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development. The theme is to deepen the supply-side structural reform as the main line, reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, adhere to goal-oriented, problem-oriented, from both supply and demand, focus on stable operation, expand demand, promote reform, help enterprises, strong momentum, and take effective measures to stabilize the economic operation of the steel industry.


Adhering to the Combination of Optimizing Supply and Expanding Demand. Coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reform, focus on improving the quality of steel supply and security capacity, the formation of demand-driven supply, supply to create a higher level of dynamic balance.

adhere to the combination of current and long-term. Promote the coordination of upstream and downstream industrial chains, make up for shortcomings, forge long boards, strengthen the foundation, support the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, the consolidation and extension of advantageous industries, the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, and the forward-looking layout of future industries.

Adhere to the combination of market leading and government promotion. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources, give better play to the role of the government, strengthen policy coordination, optimize the market environment, stimulate the vitality of the industry, and boost business confidence.

2. main objectives

2023 to 2024, the main objectives for the steady growth of the iron and steel industry are: in 2023, the supply and demand of the iron and steel industry will maintain a dynamic balance, the investment in fixed assets in the whole industry will maintain a steady growth, and the economic benefits will be significantly improved. The R & D investment of the industry will strive to reach 1.5, and the industrial added value will increase by about 3.5. In 2024, the development environment and industrial structure of the industry will be further optimized.

3. work initiatives

(I) implement technological innovation and transformation actions to stimulate new momentum for high-quality development

1. Accelerate the promotion of high-end technology and equipment upgrade. Encourage enterprises to accelerate technological transformation and equipment renewal in accordance with the requirements of the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Iron and Steel Industry" and the "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalog", and focus on strengthening the weak links of the industrial chain. Encourage qualified areas to compile the "iron and steel industry advanced technology and equipment recommend catalog", and promote the application. Build industrial alliances in key areas, strengthen the construction of standard technology systems, focus on key common technologies such as clean steel smelting, thin strip casting and rolling, and high-efficiency rolling, as well as high-end equipment such as advanced electric furnaces, special smelting, and high-end testing, and strengthen the upstream and downstream of "production, research and application" Collaborative research to enhance the innovation and development capabilities of enterprises.

2. Accelerate green and low-carbon transformation. Accelerate the process of ultra-low emission transformation of iron and steel enterprises, support iron and steel enterprises to strive for environmental performance A- level, encourage enterprises to implement raw material yard mechanization, sintering flue gas internal circulation, furnace low nitrogen combustion and other technological transformation. Support enterprises that have completed ultra-low emission transformation to develop in coordination with related industries such as ferroalloy, coking, chemical industry, building materials and electric power, and build a "consortium" of coordinated pollution reduction and carbon reduction ". Support the development of "extreme energy efficiency" transformation projects, explore the creation of super energy efficiency plants, and accelerate the promotion and application of energy-saving and efficiency-enhancing technology and equipment. Promote green transportation, give priority to rail or water transportation for medium and long-distance transportation, encourage the use of pipe corridors or new energy vehicles for short-and medium-distance transportation, and encourage enterprises to use new energy locomotives. Increase support for pilot verification and industrialization of low-carbon common technologies such as hydrogen metallurgy and low-carbon metallurgy, and provide capacity replacement policy support for research on qualified low-carbon frontier technology industrialization demonstration projects. Co-ordinate the development of the coking industry and steel and other industries, and promote the coking industry to increase the intensity of green environmental protection transformation.

3. Accelerating Digital Transformation and Intelligent Upgrading. Carry out the three-year digital transformation of the steel industry, promote the digital, networked, and intelligent transformation and upgrading of steel enterprises, build a number of intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, create a number of benchmarks for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, and form a number of typical cases that can be replicated and promoted. Release the guidelines for the construction of intelligent manufacturing standard system in the steel industry, and develop a number of important standards for intelligent manufacturing terminology, data governance, intelligent factory construction and evaluation, and intelligent supply chain in the steel industry. Encourage qualified places to establish digital transformation industry alliances, build steel industry Internet platforms and big data centers, and accelerate the deep integration of new-generation information technologies such as industrial Internet, Internet of Things, big data, 5G, and artificial intelligence with mining, manufacturing and processing technologies, and improve The level of industry data governance will accelerate the intelligent upgrading of the steel industry.

4. Support and guide the orderly development of electric furnace steel. Accelerate the implementation of electric furnace short-process steelmaking high-quality development leading project, implement differentiated capacity replacement, environmental protection management and other policies for all-scrap electric furnace steelmaking projects, and create the world's advanced electric furnace steel industry cluster. Support iron and steel enterprises to rely on the demand for scrap steel raw materials, carry out the construction of scrap steel storage-processing-distribution integration base, improve the level of scrap steel processing and classification management, realize the customized processing and distribution of scrap steel raw materials, and promote the high-quality and efficient use of scrap steel resources. Establish evaluation criteria for electric furnace short-process enterprises and scrap steel processing and distribution enterprises, and select about 5 advantageous benchmark enterprises respectively to form an industrial model that can be promoted.

(II) the implementation of steel consumption upgrade action, focus on expanding steel demand

5. Strengthen the application and promotion of steel structure. Actively promote the improvement of the steel structure standard system, strengthen the upstream and downstream coordination of the "steel-steel structure" industry, promote the coordination of the entire industrial chain of steel material manufacturing and steel structure research and development, design, manufacturing and engineering, and promote the high-quality development of the steel structure industry. Encourage the transformation of public buildings in areas where conditions permit to give priority to the use of steel structures, and actively promote the application of steel structures in bridges, underground pipe corridors, underground passages, marine structures, prefabricated buildings and other fields. Support the first trial in conditional areas, strengthen the promotion and application of hot-rolled H-shaped steel and steel sheet piles, and promote the demonstration and application of weather-resistant steel and fire-resistant steel.

6. Expanding consumer demand in key areas. Support iron and steel enterprises to closely follow the new infrastructure, new urbanization, rural revitalization, emerging industry needs, docking around the "14th Five-Year Plan" related major projects, to do a good job of steel protection. Establish and deepen the upstream and downstream cooperation mechanism between steel and shipbuilding, transportation, construction, energy, automobiles, home appliances, agricultural machinery, heavy equipment and other key steel fields, carry out production and demand docking activities, actively expand steel application scenarios, and accelerate the research and development and promotion of new materials and new varieties. Promote iron and steel enterprises to speed up the transformation from producers to service providers, the development of shear, distribution and other value-added services. Implement policies and measures to promote consumption such as expanding the consumption of automobiles, green smart home appliances, green building materials, and new energy vehicles to the countryside, tap the consumption potential of wind power, photovoltaic power generation and other fields, and expand steel consumption demand.

7. Enhancing the Internationalization Level of Iron and Steel Industry Chain. Optimize and adjust the export policy of steel products, improve the classification of high-tech products, actively support enterprises to integrate into the international supply chain system, and improve international competitiveness. Implement high-quality standards to lead actions, increase the transformation and application of international standards, actively participate in the revision of international standards, and promote the mutual adoption of international inspection and testing results. Strengthen industrial cooperation in countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", guide China's steel products, equipment, technology, and services to "go global", promote green and low-carbon cooperation in the global steel industry, and enhance the resilience and safety of the global industrial chain supply chain.

(III) implement supply capacity enhancement actions to ensure stable and efficient operation of the industry

8. Accelerating the "Three Products" Action. Give full play to the role of the demonstration platform for the production and application of new materials, the testing and evaluation platform for the steel industry, and the national industrial measurement and testing center for the steel industry, establish and improve the upstream and downstream cooperation mechanism for new steel materials in key areas, and break through about 5 key steel materials every year. Establish and improve the product quality evaluation system, accelerate the promotion of the quality and upgrading of steel products, formulate steel product quality classification standards, and promote the quality classification evaluation results in aerospace, shipbuilding and marine engineering equipment, energy equipment, advanced rail transit and automobiles, high-performance machinery, Adoption and application of construction and other fields. Improve the standards and certification system for green and low-carbon steel products, and promote the adoption and application of certification results. Support the development of brand value and competitiveness evaluation activities, and cultivate a group of corporate brands with strong market competitiveness and high international reputation.

9. Improve the support capacity of iron resources. Give full play to the role of the domestic iron ore development coordination mechanism, speed up the domestic key iron ore projects to start production, expand capacity and expand production, to ensure the normal production of compliant mining enterprises. Support iron ore enterprises to increase investment and transformation, and promote the construction of intelligent mines and green mines. Encourage qualified enterprises to carry out overseas cooperation in iron ore resources, especially to promote cooperation in the exploration and exploitation of iron ore resources with neighboring countries. To carry out iron ore "red, yellow and blue" supply and demand early warning, strengthen the period of in stock market supervision. We will strengthen the ability to coordinate and guarantee scrap steel resources, further improve the construction of scrap steel recycling, processing and distribution system, further promote the construction of comprehensive utilization bases of industrial resources, demonstration bases of "urban minerals" and resource recycling bases, and promote the standardization and industrialization of scrap steel processing. Promote the expansion of imports of recycled steel raw materials. Study on the establishment of coal, coke and steel joint control mechanism. Support coking coal enterprises to sign long-term agreements with coking and iron and steel enterprises to promote the supply and price of coking coal. Encourage iron and steel enterprises to import high-quality coking coal resources.

(IV) the implementation of leading enterprises to cultivate action, improve the concentration of iron and steel industry

10. Promoting enterprise merger and reorganization. Encourage leading enterprises in the industry to implement mergers and reorganizations, build world-class super-large steel enterprise groups, and promote the optimal layout of national steel production capacity. Support specialized enterprises with leading power in the segmented steel market to further integrate resources and build a steel industry ecosystem. Encourage iron and steel enterprises to carry out cross-regional and cross-ownership mergers and reorganizations to change the "small scattered" situation of the iron and steel industry in some areas. To complete the substantial merger and reorganization of iron and steel enterprises, research to give greater capacity replacement policy support. Encourage financial institutions to actively provide financial services to steel companies that have implemented mergers and reorganizations, layout adjustments, and transformation and upgrading in accordance with the principles of risk control and commercial sustainability.

11. Implementation of standardized enterprise classification management. Revise the standard conditions of the iron and steel industry, strengthen compliance with laws and administrative regulations, abide by social ethics, business ethics, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, prevent unfair competition, strengthen supervision during and after the event, and adhere to the dynamic adjustment of "entry and exit. We will study and formulate measures for the hierarchical and classified management of standardized iron and steel enterprises, establish an evaluation system for the high-quality development of enterprises, and support the development of "benchmarking, tapping potential, technological transformation and upgrading". We will build a number of iron and steel demonstration enterprises with representative achievements and high development quality in the fields of new materials, intelligent manufacturing, green and low-carbon, and guide the agglomeration and development of factor resources to high-quality enterprises. Promote enterprises to participate in the pilot work of grading evaluation of quality management capabilities.

12. Creating an advanced steel industry cluster. Support qualified places to focus on the iron and steel field to carry out the cultivation of advanced manufacturing clusters, give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises in the industrial chain, increase policy support, optimize the industrial development ecology, and accelerate the upgrading of stainless steel and related products, steel structures and other industrial clusters. Level; formulate an action plan for the cultivation of high-quality enterprises in the iron and steel industry, vigorously cultivate innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized new small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized "small giants" small giants "and medium-sized enterprises and medium-sized enterprises and new" enterprises and manufacturing. Encourage the establishment of standard innovative enterprises, in-depth implementation of the enterprise standard "leader" system, improve the level of enterprise standardization, and promote high-quality development.

4. safeguards

13. Consolidate the results of capacity reduction. Continue to consolidate and enhance the results of the work of iron and steel to resolve excess capacity, and improve the long-term mechanism of market-oriented rule of law to resolve excess capacity. Strict implementation of capacity replacement, project filing, environmental assessment, pollution permits, energy assessment and other laws and regulations, policies and regulations, not in the name of mechanical processing, casting, ferroalloy and other new steel production capacity. Persist in helping the superior and eliminating the inferior, resolutely prevent the resurgence of "local steel", and use comprehensive standards to promote backward production capacity in accordance with laws and regulations.

14. Increase fiscal and financial support. In accordance with the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the work requirements of the State Council, implement various fiscal and financial policies, maintain policy continuity, stability and pertinence, and make full use of R & D expenses plus deduction, energy conservation and emission reduction, comprehensive utilization of resources, and high-tech enterprise income tax reduction and exemption, Tax support policies such as value-added tax retention and tax refund. Implement the Measures for the Collection of Proceeds from the Transfer of Mining Rights to reduce the burden on mining and other enterprises. Give full play to the role of the national industry-finance cooperation platform, organize the docking of industry-finance, and guide financial institutions to provide high-quality financial services for the development of iron and steel enterprises through green finance and transformational finance in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law. Give full play to the role of the "first (set)" and "first batch" application insurance compensation mechanism, and use industrial investment funds to actively support iron and steel enterprises to undertake key technological breakthroughs and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs.

15. Strengthening factor safeguards. All localities should establish a long-term mechanism for stable growth of the iron and steel industry, clean up discriminatory policies against the iron and steel industry, and do not include high-quality iron and steel projects such as low-carbon metallurgy, hydrogen metallurgy, electric furnace steelmaking with A- level environmental performance and advanced energy efficiency level, and undertaking key technology research in line with high-quality development direction. In accordance with the requirements of speeding up the construction of a unified national market, support the free transfer of steel production capacity in accordance with market-oriented principles and capacity replacement requirements, accelerate the progress of capacity replacement and environmental assessment of major steel projects, and implement the policy of non-inclusion of raw material energy and renewable energy consumption in total energy consumption and intensity control.

16. Enhanced Operation Scheduling. Focus on key areas and key enterprises, improve different frequency monitoring and scheduling mechanisms, strengthen early warning and analysis of emerging problems, and make good policy reserves. Relevant departments in various localities should establish ledgers for key projects, regularly schedule the progress of project construction and production, sort out the list of problems, and strengthen coordination and resolution. Industry organizations should give full play to their role as a bridge, reflect new situations and new problems in a timely manner, strengthen guidance services for enterprises, and ensure the smooth operation of the industry.

17. Strengthening publicity and guidance. Organize and carry out various forms of propaganda training and policy interpretation activities to form a good atmosphere to jointly promote the steady growth of the industry. Adhere to the goal-oriented, problem-oriented, the implementation of ledger management, regular assessment of the implementation of various initiatives and the effectiveness of the implementation. Vigorously excavate typical cases of steady growth of local and enterprises, summarize, refine and actively promote good experiences and practices that can be used for reference, and play a good exemplary and leading role.


(Source: Department of Raw Materials Industry, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, World Metal Guide)

Created on:2023-08-29 14:23
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